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Old Dec 11, 2009, 03:59 PM // 15:59   #21
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Originally Posted by Wuhy View Post
gaile was the community manager. gaile is no longer the community manager. regina is the community manager. gaile was talking to ppl. regina doesn't talk to ppl.
Apples and oranges comparison between the two. You either want direct information, limited as it may be, or an Aesop fable you have to decipher every time the CR posts. I'll go with the former.
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Old Dec 11, 2009, 05:24 PM // 17:24   #22
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patience is a virtue. quit QQ'ing. *sigh* i want, i want, i want...
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Old Dec 11, 2009, 05:37 PM // 17:37   #23
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You know what, I'd be happy with nothing from them; less chance of them screwing nothing up than screwing something up.
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Old Dec 11, 2009, 05:52 PM // 17:52   #24
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Originally Posted by Winterclaw View Post
You know what, I'd be happy with nothing from them; less chance of them screwing nothing up than screwing something up.
^ tbh. Remember the last skill update we had? (not the tiny bullshit ones, the real one 6 months ago). It took them 3 months just to fix it. And almost 6 months to fix the skill update from April.

Look at the "Waiting Game" quest and how big of a fck up it was. Look at the XTH. Look at anything they've done in the game since April. It's all been messed up somehow (including contests, content additions, nerfing SC's, etc.).

I would prefer it at this point if they'd just leave the damn game alone. They're so bad, there's no telling what will happen.
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Old Dec 11, 2009, 06:11 PM // 18:11   #25
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Originally Posted by Kwith View Post
I agree with SpiritThief. I can't count the number of times I've died because the boss does ridiculous amounts of damage, while you are working with a HUGE penalty, plus an environment shaft, plus having 60% DP.

Honestly, if you want the game to be challenging, throw a couple different twists into the boss fight instead of just making him overpowered.

It seems to me that ANet creates these bosses with farmers in mind. They seem to think "Ok, if we overwhelm them right at the beginning, the farmers won't have a chance to make a build to solo this boss. Also, if we give it every ability from enchantment removal that can't be blocked, to doing insane damage per hit, then they can't farm easily."

What I'd like to see in a boss is perhaps something that always keeps the players thinking. Perhaps a boss with different "phases" where once you get him to a certain amount, he changes tactics and the party has to think differently. Or perhaps a boss that uses the area he is in against you where he can summon lava flows from cracks in the floor and they are constantly shifting. Or maybe a boss that splits himself into multiple images and only one is the real one.

Here is a good idea, how about a boss you have to kite to a certain area of the room. Then two people have to stand on platform switches which then activate some form of magic attack that hurts the boss. When he gets hit, he destroys the switches and you have to either fix them or lead him to a second set of switches.

Stuff like that would be really cool to have to do. Its different than the tank-n-spank that is predominant in the game.

Don't get me wrong, I like the game and its lots of fun, but it just needs some variety.
i like this idea. even more so if you want variety give the bosses a variety of skills to use so that each time you enter the area to do it you're not quite sure which skills are going to be used. That would maybe make it more challenging, less farmable, and more enjoyable because it's the unexpected so to speak.

And there's no pleasing everybody...for those who are so upset at the game that they have to swear on a forum post because anet is changing or not changing something...need help...if they change something to please me, i'm sure there will be someone out there crying and whining because i got what i wanted and they didn't get what they wanted. Oh well such is life. Yes there are things that can and should be fixed, but at least you have something to pass the time away...if it's that broken then maybe those who are having cows about it need to find something else to play and cry about.
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Old Dec 11, 2009, 08:33 PM // 20:33   #26
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Originally Posted by Apok Omen View Post
...would be some motherlovin' communication.

And I don't mean Regina giving us an update on how hard you guys are working and other CR junk they teach everyone on the talking box.

I mean actually telling us what you are planning to do with certain skills, events, bosses, areas, etc. so we can either tell you how badly you are approaching it or how great a job you guys are doing.

You even promised to post which skills would be updated, how they would be changed, and why, and instead you only tell your Asurans so they can tell you what we have been telling you for years.

So please, tell us what is important (and I understand some stuff you can't tell us, but the last time someone posted what the skills were going to be in EotN, we instantly told them what needed to be changed JUST BY LOOKING AT THEM!!!)

Merry Christmas, everyone.

What would you like from them?
I think I can speak for most people when I can say most people would be happy with just a tiny bit of insight. It used to be the first Thursday of the month or whatever was the skill update. Now whether or not those updates to the skills were good or not is debatable. The fact is, there was a god damn update at least. Even if they'd say we'd hope to get the next content update out by >insert arbitrary date here<, people would probably feel a little better. What's that you say A-Net, you can't get it out that day; and you gave us the reason why it's taking a little longer, well I'll be god damned, that's fine by me.
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Old Dec 11, 2009, 09:21 PM // 21:21   #27
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Originally Posted by gremlin View Post
Can't think of any other 4 year old games that still get fixes on a semi regular basis.
Then you really can't say you've played many games or know much about them. If a game has a community that lasts, they get updates. I mean really, World of Warcraft can spew up large content/skill updates every tuesday. GW is apparently the exception that proves the rule.
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Old Dec 11, 2009, 09:38 PM // 21:38   #28
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Originally Posted by Barrage View Post
Then you really can't say you've played many games or know much about them. If a game has a community that lasts, they get updates. I mean really, World of Warcraft can spew up large content/skill updates every tuesday. GW is apparently the exception that proves the rule.
^ I could name a few, but Everquest is the best example. 10 years old and terrible, yet it gets updated at least once every 2 weeks if not more often.

And I know people are going to go "BUT IZ PAY2PLAY! ", but I don't care. EQ was 2 games (at around $20-$40 each) and then you paid monthly. GW is $40 x 4 plus the cost of the BMP + all the other excess stuff they charge for. Guild Wars has cost me more money than around 4-5 years of EQ. It's ridiculous that we get less support than they do.

Last edited by Karate Jesus; Dec 11, 2009 at 09:54 PM // 21:54..
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Old Dec 11, 2009, 11:25 PM // 23:25   #29
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Please keep all Shadow Form related things in this thread. Thanks.
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Old Dec 12, 2009, 12:29 AM // 00:29   #30
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Originally Posted by Apok Omen View Post
I mean actually telling us what you are planning to do with certain skills, events, bosses, areas, etc. so we can either tell you how badly you are approaching it or how great a job you guys are doing.
Yea.. tell us everything so we can farm 24/7 areas which you are going to change
Or just buy a stack of "something" which won't be farmable and then we can resell it with 300% profit

Go to the kitchen and help your mum.
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Old Dec 12, 2009, 01:54 AM // 01:54   #31
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Originally Posted by Achrr The Archer View Post
I think I can speak for most people when I can say most people would be happy with just a tiny bit of insight. It used to be the first Thursday of the month or whatever was the skill update. Now whether or not those updates to the skills were good or not is debatable. The fact is, there was a god damn update at least. Even if they'd say we'd hope to get the next content update out by >insert arbitrary date here<, people would probably feel a little better. What's that you say A-Net, you can't get it out that day; and you gave us the reason why it's taking a little longer, well I'll be god damned, that's fine by me.
That's all well and good, but as soon as A-Net says "We're hoping for..." the entitlementally challenged interpret it as "We're going to..." and then, when it doesn't happen on the target date, they come here and QQ about "A-Net broke their promise again." (and A-Net promised nothing.)
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Old Dec 12, 2009, 04:32 AM // 04:32   #32
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Instead of a news update, how about the live team actually DO THEIR SKILL UPDATES WHEN THEY'RE PLANNED?

It really sad when they say "oh hey we're going to do skill updates monthly." Then come back and say, "we can't do it in a month, so we're going to take 2 months to do bigger skill updates," then came back almost 3 months later, "we're running behind schedule."

This kind of support is pathetic. I know people say "gw2 will be a new game" but I don't see this kind of behavior changing. I don't know how many people share my pov, but I'd rather pay2play than get this kind of support.

For anyone that comes to me asking about GW2 now that hasnt played gw1, I start off with "well they f**ked up GW1 and ended up with lousy support..."
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Old Dec 12, 2009, 05:17 AM // 05:17   #33
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Originally Posted by shoyon456 View Post
Instead of a news update, how about the live team actually DO THEIR SKILL UPDATES WHEN THEY'RE PLANNED?

It really sad when they say "oh hey we're going to do skill updates monthly." Then come back and say, "we can't do it in a month, so we're going to take 2 months to do bigger skill updates," then came back almost 3 months later, "we're running behind schedule."
As a vivid player of Guild Wars I can honestly say that it is both heartbreaking and bitter when we get this type of support. I really don't want to act like a big jerk or "QQer" when it comes to really bad support, but Anet's paradoxically consistent inconsistency really makes me feel uncomfortable.
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Old Dec 12, 2009, 05:53 AM // 05:53   #34
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Originally Posted by Kook~NBK~ View Post
That's all well and good, but as soon as A-Net says "We're hoping for..." the entitlementally challenged interpret it as "We're going to..." and then, when it doesn't happen on the target date, they come here and QQ about "A-Net broke their promise again." (and A-Net promised nothing.)
If Anet CR's actually did their jobs and communicated about their intended plans/schedules but didn't manage to meet them, there would be a lot more understanding, provided they give reasons, look for feedback on what players actually want, etc. IF Anet actually did those things, then there would definitely be alot more defending them from those who accuse Anet of "breaking their promise" as you put it. I know for a fact that if they actually told us something instead of promising that they will and then going back to the silent treatment, I would be here defending them instead of flaming them.
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Old Dec 13, 2009, 08:49 AM // 08:49   #35
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Originally Posted by Barrage View Post
Then you really can't say you've played many games or know much about them. If a game has a community that lasts, they get updates. I mean really, World of Warcraft can spew up large content/skill updates every tuesday. GW is apparently the exception that proves the rule.
Its all relative let us say many of the games I have played and its many many as I have been gaming with computers since 1980 never had faults patched.

I would say its common for a many of games to never get any updates at all.
Some get updates until the company brings out what they consider to be a replacement at which point patches cease.

If you consider the number of times you logged onto gw and it updated files I would say gw updates are huge in number certainly several hundred minor tweaks and well past double figures with major changes.

That I consider exceptional in the game world, Its true I haven't played wow or diablo2.
I mostly played combat flight sims, first person shooters and offline rpgs.
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Old Dec 13, 2009, 04:58 PM // 16:58   #36
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I've spent many hours collecting enough gold to play nine rings through the entire New Year celebration and maybe max my lucky title.

Personally, I could care less if sins are gods, or if Dhuum can access fdisk. (I can restore my hard drive-but Anet can't restore the stuff hackers steal)

I'd love to see some security changes so I don't get hacked between now and Feb and loose everything I've done to this point.
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Old Dec 14, 2009, 10:00 AM // 10:00   #37
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things will happen things will change , nothing in guildwars stays the same

well one thign stays the sam eyou guys QQ way to much, please look at what they have to work with on the team for guildwars, not much and the people that are working on gw1 working alot, most dont even get on e day off, sleeping at the office , stressing becuz of you guys to make you happy. please stop with this QQ. really makes me mad to know ther working hard for all of us just to have some of you complain and never behappy.

g/j gm's i think your doinga wonderful job

Last edited by rangereminem1984; Dec 14, 2009 at 10:03 AM // 10:03..
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Old Dec 14, 2009, 10:21 AM // 10:21   #38
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Originally Posted by Wuhy View Post
gaile was the community manager. gaile is no longer the community manager. regina is the community manager. gaile was talking to ppl. regina doesn't talk to ppl.
Gaile was the community manager for Guild Wars. Regina is the community manager for Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2.

It's a minor distinction, but right now I'm sure her attention is divided where Gaile's was not.
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Old Dec 14, 2009, 02:30 PM // 14:30   #39
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@ OP

Why would you want an update on nothing? They will say something when they are ready to.
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Old Dec 14, 2009, 04:16 PM // 16:16   #40
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Originally Posted by SpiritThief View Post
It's the area itself. Anet's idea of hard is to buff up creatures to god like status and overwhelm you. It's cheap, it's a joke and that is what is bringing the game down more then anything.

These are reasons why people look for cheap builds. B/c the game is cheap. They need to balance the elite areas for all the classes not just one or two. ALL OF THEM. That could said about half the game too.
What's the alternative? Give the mobs decent AI? Yeah, okay, that's going to happen...they only have a handful of people working on this game anymore, do you really expect them overhaul the entire f***ing game at this point?

Hell, even when they do give the mobs decent AI, people complain. Remember back when NF was first released, and the corsair monks kited like, well, they should? Remember how much b****ing there was on the forums? People don't want smart mobs, they want something they can reliably plow over while superficially feeling like they're being challenged, and that's just what the current elite areas do. Whining about it is either disingenuous, because it's not what you really want, or it's short-sighted, because you're not taking into account what happens when ANet actually does what you suggest.
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